Course Breakdown
National Innovation Diploma (NID) Marine Engineering Technology:

The programme is intended to impart theoretical knowledge and practical skills to students on engineering design,
planning, management, operation and maintenance of marine engineering system and equipment suitable for an innovative technician.
A graduate of NID in Marine Engineering technology should be able to:
1. Identify and select hand and machine tools for marine engineering operations.
2. Carry out simple repairs and maintenance operations in marine vessels
3. Communicate their knowledge of techniques and processes in the course of discharging their duties.
4. Draw up simple routine maintenance plans.
5. Draw and interpret engineering drawings related to marine systems.
6. Perform simple journey and welding operations in marine systems.
7. Promote a capacity to solve specified technical design problems.
8. Apply management principles in organizing/supervising groups and in the arrangement of sequence of activities.
9. Acquire and apply basic entrepreneurial skills
10. Adequate information technology and drafting skills.